Monday, December 14, 2009

It's almost Christmas!

My favorite time of the year.  I just love Christmas.  Everyone is happier and I love to feel the magic of the season.  Thanks to my friend Gina (and her ever thoughtfulness), my tree this year is primarily burgundy and ivory.  I think it came out especially nice.  I enjoy just the atmosphere it creates and am thankful for the many blessings I have, most especially my family and friends. 

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Ready

I find myself in disbelief as I look at the calendar and see how swiftly time is passing.  I so love the holidays and enjoy the Thanksgiving to Christmas season.   In OCD fashion, I've got the Christmas shopping under way, the search for cookie recipes and the decorations well in hand.  My quest for the perfect "Father Christmas" continues.

But, what I'm really looking forward to is my shopping trip on December 4th with my friend Lynda.  Two days in Las with girlfriends!  It doesn't get much better than that!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Scrappin' with the Munchkin

It was pure joy to watch the excitement as Aunt Ann "lifted" the ideas of the other crafters.  Needless to say, it became a challenge to imitate them all the next day.  Here is the "Super Munchkin" hard at work.

My Favorite Munchkins

Last Wednesday, Aunt Ann & Uncle Paul arrived for a 3 week visit.  It's always a treat to have them visit, because they make me laugh all the time.  Aunt Ann's cooking is second only to my mom's and Uncle Paul is like having your personal fan club following you around. 

It's a good time with great people....what more could I ask for?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Chad!

Happy Birthday Chad!  Today you are 32 and I am ..... well uummm........I am!  I could never express how proud I am of you and what a true delight it has been to be your Mom.  You are all I ever dreamed of and more.  Thank you for making my life so rich and so full for there is nothing sweeter to my ears than to hear you call me .... Mom.

This picture was taken Easter Sunday 1980.  It's one of my all time favorites. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

This is my newest project. These little journals are quick and easy to bling. They make great gifts. I'm "blinging" a bunch of Christmas ones for my girlfriends. They will be great to keep Christmas Shopping ideas. I've had such a great time doing these. Just give me 10 minutes and I've got another book.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Scrappin' Again

Yup! I was scrappin' all day on Saturday. Had a blast. Learned some new things, but just had a great time. One of my latest creations. Simple and nice.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Bride & Groom

The happy couple.....Randy & Betty Williams. Congratulations and best wishes for a lifetime of happiness and love.

A Wedding Story

Congratulations Randy & Betty!
The weather did not cooperate. It rained all morning......but it didn't matter. There was nothing that could dampen the love and excitement in the air. It was your special day and it was beautiful.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Pride, My Joy, My Son

Today I woke with a strong maternal feeling. My first thought, my son, Chad. Like all children, at times they make you crazy. But it's the times that they shock you and do something nice that warms your heart.
I love you, Son!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Splish! Splash!

It was our annual Pool Party on August 15th. We had a blast. Watching the kids arrive ready for a day of fun and excitement. Swimsuits, goggles and was wonderful. To Lynda and her family, I say thank you for allowing us the opportunity to give you a day of fun. For all you do, we are truly grateful.
Looking forward to same time next year!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

For the past month I looked forward to my new hobby of scrapbooking. I jotted ideas, kept notes and organized supplies. Then the day arrived. I could not wait to get started on my projects that I so carefully organized. It was a grand day! Everyone was working diligently at preserving their treasured memories. The time flew and when I look at the clock 8 hours had passed. I had 4 pages completed and felt very accomplished.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A New Hobby

I have discovered a new hobby....SCRAPBOOKING! Oh, my gosh, what a trip. I never new it could be so much fun. Lynda and I went to an all day event called "Scrapping 9 to 9". It was so much fun. The ladies were friendly and helpful. I can't wait until the next gathering in August. Now, I always thought I had a good eye and some talent....well, I was wrong. These gals are fabulous and I have so much to learn. But, I'm excited and eager to begin this new adventure.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I'm not really sure why what made me start this today. All I know is that I woke this morning with such a sense of pride to have the privilege to call myself an American. While our country faces numerous issues with the war in Iraq, the economy, the erosion of our morals, standards and principles; it is by far the greatest nation in the world.